Now is the time to unite the soul and the world. Now is the time to see the sunlight dancing as one with the shadows.
— Rumi

Connecting with Consciousness

When we learn how to be an active receiver of the loving source wisdom available to us in every moment, we physically sense our wisest self intuitively guiding us. This language is of universal consciousness, the voice of ONE that is speaking to us all. Its loving wisdom is coming from one source and we are all its portal of creation. How we choose to interpret what is received shapes our experience during this awe inspiring visit to planet earth.

I am a clear channel to the field of universal consciousness. It is my intention and purpose to allow its heartfelt, clear, and supportive messages to be provided for the evolution of you and all.

I am excited to connect with you, help you understand yourself and your glorious journey on planet earth with more clarity. I am truly delighted to meet another traveler who wonders what else is beyond what little we know and is ready to wander curiously into deeper dimensions of the self and this energetic field that we share.

It is with great joy and true honor that I explore the purpose and power of being universal consciousness while having a human adventure.

We will welcome the highest form of energy medicine and knowledge to be shared with you in service of your healing during your conversation with the unified field. Through heart resonance, amplifying the conscious connection we have, the answers you’ve been seeking begin to arise within that field of being source itself, realizing you were never separate from all that is, you’ve always been a beautiful aspect of the whole.

Channeling is like having a conversation with wise old friends.

What is channeling?

Channeling is an opportunity to co-create a deeper feeling of heart resonance with one’s highest self and all beings. It is a portal to clarity and provides options to enhance one’s life through awakening the voice of truth and unconditional love.

Through an agreement of holding a sacred space for an existential exploration with source, we essentially have an open, heartfelt conversation about life. Receive guidance from channeled consciousness. Asking questions of source that have been arising allows the information for understanding what it is to be life and to be uniquely you flow through.

Existential exploration into the non-dualistic (connected) nature of being, exploring ways in which we feel stuck in life and how to set ourselves free to wander and wonder with excitement and gratitude, even in the seemingly darkest times is a powerful shared journey.

When we feel ourselves blending with source and sense its energy messages with more clarity our mirror reflects back to us that we ARE life itself in radiant motion.

The Channeling Process

  • Sense the moment and connect with the energy field through guided meditation, breath, singing bowls, body movement or whatever resonates with you in the moment.

  • Share what brings you to The Nest to receive a channeling from universal consciousness.

    What is it that you are seeking and longing for in service of your greatest excitement?

    Where might you feel stuck?

    We will start wherever you are as source already knows what the heart needs to receive for alignment.

    You don’t need to understand how channeling works or believe everything shared in order to connect with heartfelt messages. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

  • Allow the aspect of Kim as personality to “step aside” while you connect to a higher aspect of your intuitive wisdom and soften your grip on the story.

    Be curious and inquire into the book of universal consciousness. Ask source anything during a casual conversation. There is no correct or incorrect question or answer.

    Trust that what wants to be offered will and what needs to be received for your highest evolution and alignment will if you are open and allow yourself to be present with the experience unfolding.

  • Feel into the experience of knowing yourself even more. Integrate the heartfelt and resonant information from universal consciousness.

    When Kim “steps” back in it is an opportunity to receive any clarification about the message and learn practical skills and practices for greater freedom and ease, even during overwhelming and darker times.

You are a portal of healing wisdom.

I am not here to heal you, I am here to amplify healing with you.

Allowing yourself to open even more to the mystery of being a soul experiencing this human condition helps to release patterns arising from old stories creating disease in the body and dis-ease in the heart and mind. As I channel unified consciousness for you

Seemingly fixed and unpleasant versions of our stories from the past retold to others or relived in the mind in an unconscious state reinforce our relationship to limited ways of thinking, feeling, and being that were observed in childhood & adolescence and set as a guidebook for living.

This guidebook influences every choice we make unless we are paying attention in an open-hearted and cooperative way.

You are not your thoughts, emotions, body, or experiences.

Are you a curious and grateful observer of this life unfolding, including all of the versions of you that keep you from feeling safe to speak your authentic voice and honor your heart’s calls?

You are a portal for source wisdom. In this new space of limitlessness and inquiry into what can be, you are free to create the story of self that aligns with your present moment excitement and ease.

As you evolve into your highest self we all vibrate with more coherence because your energetic signature in this field matters, it is always making waves or creating stillness in the ocean of US.

Life becomes more mystical when we shift our perceptual lens from…

“Why is this happening to me?”


“This is happening FOR me!”

From Victim to Alchemist

Life here can be such a joy and yet there is minimally a messiness and unpredictability to it. This is the human condition, the adventure that we are all sharing. For many, there are deeper traumas that influence the relationship they have with themselves, others, and the circumstances of life itself.

When we try to manage circumstances beyond our control, including how other people think, feel, and act we miss our own opportunities for growth, connection, and peace.

The mystery is massive and to continually be discovered.

There can be curiosity and gratitude in the unfolding of our path, even in painful moments and changing times, if we cultivate a trust that all that is happening is occurring in a unique divine timing for each of us. Expectations of how our life is supposed to be and how others should be dissolves in this space as we open to the experience of welcoming that which is and asking the unity consciousness,

“Show me what I need to know in this new moment.”

All that we have ever wanted to be and feel in our asking comes to us in multiple ways as we invite ourselves to be open to life and death in all of their dimensions. This open inquiry sets the stage for us to be the producer, director, script writer and editor of our own play on earth.

Anyone who knows me, should learn to know me again; For I am like the Moon, you will see me with new face everyday.” -Rumi

Dismantling Limiting Beliefs

Within you there is already a felt knowing that you are whole and worthy of being seen and valued.

We forget this as a result of our conditioning throughout this lifetime, beginning in utero. We are taught how to betray ourselves in order to fit into the molds created by others (family, religion, school, government, peer groups, etc.).

We are largely unaware of how this has impacted how we perceive and treat ourselves and others.

This process enables you to consciously decide which thoughts and emotions you want to give power to in service of your wellness, and which you are ready to release in order to feel more in control of how you experience life.

Meditation is a portal to the field.

It is a very personal experience to discover in what ways your body, mind and heart drop into a meditative state of being. For some, that deep connection with a stillness and silence is met in movement, music, dance, walking, stillness, visualization, through the voice, or other channels. They are all perfect when they resonate with you.

Learn how to skillfully use attention, breath, and body sensing to release mental, emotional, and physical patterns that are inhibiting you from feeling at ease.

Cultivate the ability to notice how your stress response is being triggered by developing mind-body awareness- the ability to sense the physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions that arise in moments when you feeling unsteady.

When you develop a conscious relationship with what is arising, it directly impacts how you experience your life by inviting you to deliberately create your responses to what is happening rather than relying on habitual reactions to guide your experience.

"Kim has been an incredible healing force in my life. To this day, she continues to remain the only person in my life that has been able to help me identify unconscious root beliefs that have held me back in the past, along with aiding in the restoration of the energetic nervous system. Kim has a unique ability to quickly identify the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are tricking us into self sabotage, separation and confusion. She is a literal angel on earth and a massive breath of fresh air to the Heart Space, the Mind and the Soul. "

-Miranda Jane, 2o20