“The greatest thing you can ever learn is just to LOVE and be loved in return.”

-Eden Ahbez, "Nature Boy" (song, recorded by Nat King Cole)

The Socialized Self

The Impact of Conditioned Beliefs

When we are caught in a cycle of habitual beliefs that constantly reinforce the narrative about how unfair life has been to us we unconsciously create a victim version of ourselves and reinforce other limiting beliefs, weaving fearful emotions like shame, blame, anger, and resentment into our relationships with all beings, starting with ourselves.

Energetic Armor

It can be difficult to access our own sense of safety, ease, knowing, unconditional love, and trust when we perceive through conditioned beliefs. We are often asked to betray ourselves in service of others’ comfort or expectations. The dualistic script that many of us are measured by include the polarities of right/wrong, good/bad, beautiful/ugly, just/unjust, etc.

We use self-protective spoken and body language, energy, and behaviors to avoid possible pain from this judgmental mirror of others and ourselves.


You are Your Secure Home

Learning how to feel safe in one’s own body and discerning between a fearful ego mind and the voice of loving source releases our attachment to the “past” and “future”. It allows us to embrace being an ever-changing creative expression of our spirit and source itself.

Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Because most of us have practiced these limiting patterns for decades and learned how to adapt to life using them, they feel comfortable for us even if we understand in our heart that is not how we want to think and feel.

Stagnation & Soul Displacement

These patterns can leave us living in emotional and thought polarities so far from our soul’s true expression that we keep ourselves from experiencing the abundance available to us in this very moment. We take away our opportunity in distracted moments to choose to be an empowered and present co-creator of our own journey.


Your Authentic Self

Being loving and consciously aware in your human path of existence and welcoming the wisdom that is already available to all of us in this shared energetic field creates the space for your soul to finally speak its authentic truth in grace.

Discover the gifts of being a soul traveling through this magnificently designed human vessel on this immensely rich and intelligent planet.

We Love You and Need You

Co-create and witness the radiant, life-changing power of benevolence towards all beings.

Life changes because you finally FEEL and KNOW on a felt level that YOU ARE meant to be here and are worthy of the journey you are on. When this becomes a visceral understanding we overflow with love, optimism, light, peace, kindness, and clarity.

Becoming You, Blending with Source

The pleasure and laughter, the hardships and cruelties, and the love and loss are all a part of the rich planetary and human tapestry that offers your soul its unique growth experiences as you walk and co-create with Mother Earth, humanity, and the power of spirit.


Your Authentic Self

Have you ever experienced being with yourself completely in love with you just as you are, life just as it is, and trusting that all is well?

Do you feel and trust that everything that has unfolded in your life has happened FOR you in service of your expanding soul and is always arriving right on time?

As a compassionate witness, we can hold the space for the body to be relaxed and the mind open while we hold a soft space for receiving and learning from our experiences. When we learn how to skillfully recalibrate victim perception to awakened being seeing we can more easily recalibrating whatever thoughts, emotions, and body sensations arise in resistance to our most authentic self and in service of unconditional kindness for others.

This way of perceiving helps us make difficult decisions that will transform our lives for the better, releasing what no longer serves us and welcoming the abundance of what life here has to offer. It provides us the opportunity to be a powerful co-creator of our life, transforming life diminishing energy into life affirming radiance.

When love is present the inner judge’s voice becomes quieter and profound transformation takes place.

Living as your loving soulful self in this human experience in full presence, with intention, attention, and inspired action from creative source liberates you to honor your authentic self. This reveals your sense of having always been whole, connected, and loved and being more open to sharing those qualities of love and light with all.