Be the Light.

Embrace BEING the Alchemist of Your Life








-Ram Dass

Honing attention is primary in creating a present moment relationship with the ever changing flow of the energy field, consciousness, and messages from spirit and source.

Meditation & mindfulness practices build the neural networks needed to reframe perceptions and dismantle the weight of patterns stemming from conditioned beliefs that were likely agreed to many moons ago.

Honoring that you are consciousness having a human experience and allowing that perspective to be the filter for what you co-create expands compassion, creativity, connectedness, and choice.

Blend as source energy as you witness perception and sensation and allow yourself to learn how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable realizing that you are the space holding the space for a transformative and unpredictable human, planetary experience with curiosity, grace, and trust.

Trusting in the divine timing of source is mastery.

TRUTH matters

Honesty allows us to create a strong foundation for creating clarity for a clear channel to source energy, healing, and wisdom. Being honest about our attachments, beliefs, and expectations for ourselves, others, and life itself begins to bring forth the obstacles to our contentment, ease, and freedom.

Dismantling the beliefs beneath the beliefs is not an easy or pleasant journey, although it is a liberating one. We can often tell ourselves and others, “I don’t know.” when it relates to what we are feeling and how we are perceptively and behaviorally engaging in life. The stories that keep us imprisoned are sometimes so compartamentalized that we no longer recognize that they too are a part of what is driving our experience, even if we are not paying attention to them.

Honoring that you are consciousness having a human experience and allowing that perspective to be the filter for what you co-create expands compassion, creativity, connectedness, and choice. Your authentic truth matters and wants to be seen, heard, and received by the world we have co-created. It can be silenced early on and we can forget what it is because we have been so busy meeting the needs of others or attempting to “fit in” with them.

Blend as source energy as you witness perception and sensation and allow yourself to learn how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable realizing that you are the space holding the space for a transformative and unpredictable human, planetary experience with curiosity, grace, and trust. You are not your thoughts, emotions, or physical body. When you blend with the energy field and know you are that the stories that are not yours begin to shed and your radiance and unique truth emerges.


- Marcus Garvey, later used by Bob Marley in Redemption Song

LOVE is the highest vibration

Love feels differently for different humans depending on the definitions of love that have been conditioned in their experience. Love can feel open, free, and be trusted by some. However, the idea of love can often feel confusing or even scary for those who were raised in abusive or chaotic homes, been in the foster care system, been in migration, been adopted even in safe homes, or houseless.

Our relationship with love matters because it shapes how we are able to offer love to ourself, individuals, communities, animals, BEING, and possibility. Even though the phrase “I love you” is constantly being thrown about in movies and many relationships, true love is not being cultivated and honored. It too is a practice for those of us that struggle being vulnerable enough that receiving in many forms feels emotionally and sometimes physically difficult.

Learning to love the experience of being human, giving and receiving love fluidly, and allowing our authentic expression from creative source to stream through us is our purpose. JUST BEING YOU IS ENOUGH. There is nothing more you need to say or do to be more of value than you are right now, just reading this. You have nothing to prove. What would it feel like to wake up to each moment with the inquiry, “How can I best love myself and others in this moment?” Can you imagine the sea change within you and around you? You are a wave of potential in this ocean of vibration. Thank you for being you.

“If we take good care of ourselves, we help everyone. We stop being a source of suffering to the world, and we become a reservoir of joy and freshness. Here and there are people who know how to take good care of themselves, who live joyfully and happily. They are our strongest support. Whatever they do, they do for everyone.”

― Thich Nhat Hanh, Plum Village

CLARITY creates freedom

Clear intentions allow us to pave the way for consistency in how we feel, interact with our thinking and others’ beliefs, cultivate conscious perception, and interact with our inner world and the environment in which we find ourselves authentically and compassionately.

Cleaning our “house” helps us create clarity in the body vessel and our energy field. This allows us to receive source energy, healing, and wisdom more seamlessly as we step aside from our conditioned selves and lean into being vibrating, expansive, formless, spacious, timeless source itself.

When we do not clean and clear our own house - the body vessel, attachment to stories, and limiting beliefs - we are essentially handing over the broom to others and saying, “You take care of my my messy house” when toxic words and behaviors spill into the relationship in the form of conflict or low vibrating emotions (resentment, anger, guilting, shame, etc.)

From this expansive place of clear consciousness:

  • our patience expands

  • we feel source energy and love

  • active listening becomes natural

  • reactions transform into responses

  • we have trust in our heartfelt calls and intuitive nudges

  • we can communicate our needs confidently, without shame

  • we can hold the space for others no matter what state they are in, knowing we are not responsible for “fixing” them or the situation for them…they are not broken…this moment is arising to serve all

  • We are able to clearly be present with the messages moving through the different layers of our being and are able to use that information as input that helps us alchemize the energy of our thoughts, emotions, and field to blend as source and human and co-create a world within that feels in alignment with the flow of freedom, the flow of the field.


arises when…

we are present with what is arising without needing to control or overanalyze it

we speak truth consistently and kindly to ourselves and others

we allow love to be the lens through which we participate with the world and respond to ourselves

we have clarity about our intentions and communicate requests and responses clearly to others and to the field of energy, source potential

Begin your training…

“Where we rest our attention and how we allow our minds and hearts to relate to the present moment unfolding shapes the complex energetic and chemical systems of the body. The intelligence of our vessel is always longing to align with the truth of the authentic self. When we lie to ourselves by believing we are not worthy of receiving abundantly and lovingly the body tells us through igniting discomfort in the vessel with actions that diminish our natural illumination.”

-Kim Gebro